Academic Writing – Journal Articles & Equivalent
Autonomous Weapons Systems: The Need for Revised Proportionality Provisions, 57 Case Western Reserve J. Int’l L. (forthcoming, 2025).
Geoengineering Wars and Atmospheric Governance, 66 Harvard Int’l L. J. 77 (2025) (with Scott Moore).
Challenging and Refining the “Unwilling or Unable” Doctrine, 52 Vanderbilt J. Trans. L. 245 (2019).
Striking the Right Balance: Hate Speech Laws in Japan, the United States, and Canada, 45 Hastings Const. L.Q. 455 (2018).
Change It to Save It: Why and How to Amend Article 9, 18 Ritsumeikan J. Peace Studies (2017), published in Japanese here.
Kiobel, Extraterritoriality, and the “Global War on Terrorism”, 28 Maryland J. Int’l L. 146 (2013).
Unequal Shadows: Negotiation Theory and Spousal Support Under Canadian Divorce Law, Univ. of Toronto Fac. L. Rev. (1998).
Tolofson and Flames in Cyberspace: The Changing Landscape of Multistate Defamation, Univ. British Columbia L. Rev. (1997).
Academic Writing – Book Chapters and Shorter Essays
Trump’s Endgame for the War in Ukraine, Just Security, Dec. 17, 2024 (with Michael Kelly).
What was the International Legal Basis for the Strike on al-Zawahiri? Just Security, Aug. 9, 2022.
Geoengineering and the Use of Force, Opinio Juris, Jan. 20, 2021.
Climate Wars and Jus ad Bellum, Parts I & II, Opinio Juris, Aug. 13, 2020.
Questions on Legality of Israeli Strikes in Iraq and Lebanon, Just Security, Sept. 9, 2019.
Japan’s Dilemma in the Persian Gulf, Australian Institute of International Affairs: Australian Outlook, Jun. 26, 2019; re-published in Opinio Juris, Jul. 5, 2019.
What are the Limits on Lawfare?, Opinio Juris, May 5, 2019.
Laws Without Sanctions: Hate Speech Laws and the Balancing of Rights in Japan, in The Legal Process in Contemporary Japan: Its Structure and Dynamics (2017).
Jus ad Bellum Implications of Japan’s New National Security Laws, Opinio Juris, Apr. 21, 2016, revised version re-published in The Asia-Pacific Journal: Japan Focus, Vol. 14, May 15, 2016.
Re-examining ‘Myths’ About Japan’s Collective Self-Defense Change, Asia-Pacific Journal: Japan Focus, Sep. 8, 2014 (with Bryce Wakefield).
A Constitutional Case for Amending Article 9, in Bryce Wakefield, ed., Time for a Change? Japan’s Peace Constitution at 65 (Woodrow Wilson Center for International Scholars, 2012) – (entire book available on-line here).
Public Media Writing
Canada’s Not Back Yet: Debating Canada’s Place in the World, A Blog Called Intrepid, Jul. 30, 2020.
The Danger in Abe’s Constitutional Amendment Proposal, The Japan Times, Aug. 5, 2019.
The Omar Khadr Settlement Reaffirms Canada’s Values, HuffPost, July 17, 2017.
Canada’s Support for U.S. Strikes on Syria Harms International Law, HuffPost, May 1, 2017.
Questioning US Support for Japan’s National Security Moves , JURIST – Forum, September 2, 2015.
Media Should Stop Legitimizing Abe’s Article 9 ‘Reinterpretation’, The Japan Times, Jun. 13, 2015.
Time to Kill the Term ‘Officer-Involved Shooting’, Huffington Post, May 26, 2015.
The Kansas Education Funding Case and Constitutional Democracy, Huffington Post, Jan. 16, 2015 (with John Rury).
‘Reinterpretation’ of Article 9 Endangers Japanese Rule of Law, The Japan Times, Jun. 28, 2014.
When Should We Violate International Law in Order to Enforce It?, Huffington Post, Sep. 9, 2013.
International Law and U.S. Military Strikes on Syria, Huffington Post, Aug. 31, 2013 and in The Truman Doctrine Blog, Sep. 3, 2013.
Boston and the Dangerous Calls for “Enemy Combatant” Status, Huffington Post, Apr. 30, 2013, and in The Truman Doctrine Blog, Apr. 30, 2013.
Why Japan Should Amend its War-Renouncing Article 9, The Japan Times, Aug. 4, 2012, and in Comparative Constitutions Blog, Aug. 14, 2012.
LDP’s Dangerous Proposals for Amending Anti-war Article, The Japan Times, June 6, 2012, and in Comparative Constitutions blog, June 11, 2012.
Why We Should Not Support an Israeli Attack on Iran, The Huffington Post (Canada), March 2, 2012.
Debating Canada’s Role and Objectives in Libya, The Huffington Post (Canada), June 13, 2011,
The Fallacies of the Torture Debate, The Huffington Post, May 19, 2011.
The Legal Implications of Military Intervention in Libya, The Huffington Post, Mar. 2, 2011.
New START is About More Than Russia, The Huffington Post, Dec. 15, 2010.
Japan’s Leadership Test in Sri Lanka, The Japan Times, Dec. 2, 2010.
Japan is Failing in Sri Lanka, Sri Lanka Campaign for Peace and Justice Blog, Nov. 10, 2010.
It’s Wrong to Backpedal on Nonnuclear Principles, The Japan Times, Aug. 18, 2010.
Time to Scrap “Don’t Ask Don’t Tell”,, Feb. 12, 2010.
Debate Afghan War Goals, Then Select Strategy (with Adnan Zulfiqar), The Japan Times, Nov. 2009.
Climate Insecurity, The Baltimore Sun, Sept. 10, 2009.
A Turning Point in Japan for the Right to Equality?, The Japan Times, Jun. 2009 and in
Piracy and the Constitution, The Japan Times, Mar. 2009; and in J@pan Inc., Mar. 2009.
The Fatal Flaw in Trying to Impose a New Interpretation on Article 9, The Japan Times, Oct. 2008.
Japan Opens the Way for Military Use of Outer Space, Foreign Policy Digest, Jun. 2008.
Permanent SDF Overseas Deployment Law Endangers Democracy, The Japan Times, May 2008.
Rule of Law Comes Under Fire: Gov’t Response to High Court Ruling on SDF Ops in Iraq, The Japan Times, May 2008.
Establish Limits on Naval Support to U.S.: Lessons from Canada, The Japan Times, Jan. 2008.
Who Will Defend Japan’s Constitution? The Japan Times, Apr. 2007.